Registration now thru September1st please visit
for more information about all the FIRST programs and
register here to join a Dublin Team.
The Dublin Robotics FLL program provides accessible, innovative hands-on environments where students go beyond the familiar boundaries and explore the unknown through research, reasoning, and experimentation. With the guidance of two or more coaches, teams apply science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts to solve a real-world problem. Our goal is for the students to enjoy working in a team environment that encourages them to participate in a common goal and prepare for a robotics competition in November or December.
This program is open to all Dublin City School students 4th thru 8th grade and their parents. Yes we need parent coaches and mentors to make our program a success.

2019-2020 FIRSTLEGO League Challenge
if you could build a better world? Where would you begin?
More than ever, we must come together to innovate and solve problems. In FIRST, you
are part of a thriving community brimming with inspiration, creativity, and
hope for a stronger, more sustainable future—one that’s built better together.
Registered parents are invited to come to the Dublin Robotics Booster meeting on Thursday August 22, 7:00 pm
We will be meeting upstairs in the common area of the Dublin Recreation Center