Team 1014 Bad Robots has a season Kick off Saturday Jan 3rd 1:00 PM

Meeting Schedule for 2015 Build Season
(All meetings start in Coffman A122, use door #1 by the tennis courts to enter)

January 3 – Kickoff meeting, 1:00 pm at Coffman
Mondays - 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Tuesdays - 3:00 – 5:00 pm, 6:30-9:00 pm
Wednesdays – 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Thursdays - 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Saturdays - 9:00 – 4:00 pm

Remember, most students come to 2-4 meetings per week. You don’t have to be available all of those times. When you join one of more of the component design teams there will be a meeting schedule for those teams (based on when the members are available) and you can contact your team leader to know when they meet.

Dublin Robotics Boosters Fundraiser

with Der Dutchman Cookie Dough and Pies

Start selling today October 20th through November 1st.

Purpose of this 
Please let all prospective customers know that this sale raises money for the Dublin Robotics and Lego Robotics teams. We are a parent run tax exempt organizations that offers robotics to every school in the Dublin School District as an extra curricular activity. This fundraiser is needed to pay for robotics tools and material for the High School team and to pay for registrations to our competitions. If they wish to give us a donation instead, that will be gratefully appreciated.

Basic information: All orders must be pre-paid. We will deliver the baked goods and vouchers to be distributed on November 19th. You must make arrangements to deliver to your customers. . All orders must be turned in by Saturday November 1st. Make sure you have a complete address and phone number for every person you sell to or who gives you a donation or order. Please note on the form if they give you a money donation and give them a receipt for taxes or Boosters will mail one to them.

Make checks out to: Dublin Robotics Boosters

Pickup and Delivery: Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All items purchased must be picked up and delivered within 24 hours to ensure freshness. Cookie dough is not frozen but should be kept refrigerated.

All VOUCHERS are good for one year and customers can order items for the Christmas Holidays. The customer will pick up pies at the store. Der Dutchman needs 48 hours notice to prepare a voucher purchase.

Cookie Dough $15.00
3 lb container (same size as last year not pre-made cookies)
Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal. Oatmeal Raisin, Sugar Cookie, Peanut Butter, Snicker Doodle, Coconut, Chocolate Crinkle, Honey Nut Raisin

Regular Pies $13.00
Pumpkin, Apple, Dutch Apple (Sugar Topping), Cherry, Blackberry, Peach, Raisin

Premium Pies $14.00
Pecan, Sugarless Cherry, Sugarless Apple

Cakes Rolls $13.00
Pumpkin and Chocolate

Vouchers are only for pies
Regular Pies $13.00
Premium Pies $ 14.00


Welcome to Dublin Robotics Parents and Coaches

We have a fun and challenging program for you and your student. Here is a calendar of important events please mark your calendars. Check for updated information.

Saturday Sept 13: Build Your Robot Workshop

Location: Dublin Recreation Center upstairs art Room Time: 1-4:00 pm
Bring a lap top to down load step by step instructions for Ed Glaubitz’s robot design or work from the winning design book. We will help you build a strong robot. Lots of books at the Library and instructions on line for robot design.

Sept 27 : EV3/NXT Programming Workshop

Location: Dublin Recreation Center upstairs art Room Time: 1-4:00 pm
Only one coach and two students can attend this work shop. Students must then teach their team.

  • Must down load the EV3 software. This software is compatible with NXT robots
  • You must have a robot that is running and has 2 light sensors on the front.
  • Bring a box of extra parts and the touch sensors
  • Must charge your robot the night before

Additional Programming Workshop only if required by new teams

October 1: All Dublin Coaches must turn in their tournament preferences

  • Email first second and third request to Jen Glaubitz
  • Visit the OHIO FLL website often to learn about events in OHIO and choose the Central OHIO FLL Tournament for your team competition but email Dublin Robotics your preferences.
    Ohio FLL – Robotics – Ohio First Lego League

October 1: t-shirt designs are due

Send to Cindy Bryden at

October 18: Saturday Soccer Tournaments

Contact: Cindy Bryden at

  • FLL Teams needed to work the concession stands at Avery Park
  • 2 hour shifts from 8:00am set up to 3:00pm (clean up completed)
  • Bring robots or project information for team outreach activity. (Share with your community)

October 27 Cookie Dough/Pie Fundraiser kickoff meeting

Sale: October 27 through November 7 for delivery before Thanksgiving

  • Cash prizes 1st 2nd and 3rd place students that have the most sales, (Great for team work and community outreach to share with the judges at competition.)

Week of November 10: Full FLL Robotics Scrimmage (practice!)

  • This will get your team ready for the real pressure of the 2 ½ minutes in competition. You will also get tips from the more experienced teams.

Week of November 10: Project Showcase

  • Display your projects to the community. Teams have the chance to explain their project to community leaders, teachers and business owners. Parents please give us leads on some one that might be a good education contact.

November 22nd is the first FLL competition date. This is your team deadline!

Register Now!

FIRST LEGO League Registration is going strong but we need to start creating teams and identify our parent coaches.  Please get your registration in by July 31st. we will be sending email notifications about teams by the 2nd week of August.
The two FTC Teams are almost full. 10 persons to a team. Contact is Jen Glaubitz for more information click the Leave a Reply link now.

FLL WORLD CLASS – Learning Unleashed

clip_image002This program is open to all Dublin City School students 4th through 8th grade, and their parents.  Without parent coaches we can not have teams.  We have summer training to make you a confident coach.

Sign Up for FLL and FTC starting  MAY  7th

We need Parent Coaches

What is the future of learning? FIRST® LEGO® League teams will find the answers.  In the 2014 FLL WORLD CLASS℠ Challenge, from over 70 countries will redesign how we gather knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Teams will teach adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn.  Get ready for a whole new class – FLL WORLD CLASS℠!

FLL challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers.  During FLL WORLD CLASS℠, teams will build, test, and program an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® to solve a set of missions in the Robot Game.  They will also choose and solve a real-world question in the Project.  Throughout their experience, teams will operate under FLL’s signature set of Core Values.